Monday, September 28, 2009

oatmeal with apple and pears (csa week 8)

if you've read the blog before, you've undoubtedly read more than one oatmeal rambling. i've become quite a fan of it for breakfast since i discovered trader joe's quick cook steel cut oats. what is it about steel cut oats exactly? their texture is just so much more satisfying than rolled oats. i'm thinking it's a mush factor. these ones just don't get as mushy. cook them in soymilk (rather than water) and you're really talking. so on my most recent csa pickup, i got all of these apples and pears. and sadly, didn't have the time on my hands to make a crisp or any other sort of baked good. the perfect solution seemed to be a quick stew for some morning oatmeal!

i threw a bit of salted butter in the bottom of a pot, then threw in chopped apples and pears, added some brown sugar and cinnamon, stirred, brought to a simmer and allowed it to cook until the fruit softened into a syrupy bath.

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