Saturday, August 1, 2009

squash fritters with summer corn salad (csa week 4)

a giant yellow squash was living in my refrigerator. and i, dear readers, made a promise to you all to attempt to not just eat all of my csa veggies raw or sauteed with garlic. i had visions of squash fritters. i think this probably stemmed from the desire to fry some squash blossoms but this was difficult seeing as i didn't have the blossoms to fry. i was a little bit worried that the yellow squash wouldn't be as solid as green and therefore not so fritterly successful. however, the yellow squash's delicate flavor (compared to green) made this taste practically blossom-like!

i made a little corn salad to go with them since i finally have corn in my fridge and i absolutely adore summer corn salads. it's one of those things, don't know why but i can't get enough. both of these items were relatively quick and easy. frying took the most time but i see no reason why you shouldn't just take two giant skillets (or more) and cook as many fritters as possible at one time.

squash fritters
  • squash (i had one giant one)
  • 1 egg
  • (gluten-free) bread crumbs
  • 2 tablespoons of flour of choice (spelt or gluten-free)
  • parmesan cheese, grated
  • salt and pepper
  • oil for frying
  • grate squash on the large holes of a box grater, squeeze out liquid.
  • mix grated squash, one egg, breadcrumbs and flour until the mixture binds together.
  • add salt, pepper, and parmesan, mix.
  • add enough oil to coat the bottom of a pan and heat.
  • fry heaping tablespoons of the squash "batter" until golden brown on both sides.
summer corn salad
  • corn, cut off of cob
  • 1 red onion, diced
  • 1 small tomato, diced
  • basil, chopped
  • salt and pepper
  • you can use the corn raw, or saute it in a pan for a few minutes, if desired.
  • mix all ingredients together.

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