Monday, March 14, 2011

the gogozo detox: the meal plan

i've just about made it through day 1 (without chocolate), so i thought it would be a good time to present the food plan

mon-fri (assuming i don't get too bored...i may have to switch it up a bit):

before breakfast: water with lemon

breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal with ¼ cup berries and 1 tbspn walnuts
or 4 egg whites, 1/2 sweet potato
green tea

snack: ½ cup edamame

lunch: quinoa salad with 4oz grilled chicken

snack: apple w/ 1 tblspn almond butter

dinner: miso soup, 4 oz grilled fish, 1/2 cup cooked brown rice

snack: 4 oz yogurt, 1 fruit (3/4 cup Berries or 1 citrus), herbal tea

since i wrote about the general idea, here's some background on the specifics:
  • lemon water in the morning is one of those classic diet cleanse things. lemon is supposed to give your system a jump in the morning as well as be an antiseptic, so why not? thought i'd throw it in and see how it feels. green tea throughout the rest of the day provides some caffeine (that i don't feel the need to live without) and also provides some appetit supressing.
  • breakfast: needs to be hearty enough so that i'm not starving first thing in the morning through the rest of the day. personally, when i eat oatmeal, i feel full longer than when i eat dry cereals or other items, which is why i chose to put it in the plan. however, something else that's just as lean, such as egg whites, seasoning and sweet potato works too.
  • snacks: are lean as well but substantial and high in protein (soybeans, almond butter).
  • proteins: super lean and organic (chicken, fish, tofu)
  • veggies: super foods! think kale, artichokes, broccoli, asparagus, all those dark leafy greens. also, mostly cooked veggies just to be easier on the system. organic when possible.
  • miso soup (with miso and mushrooms): umami! for a satisfying taste and to feel more substantial.
  • a word on seasoning: i definitely used some olive oil (minimal), garlic, salt and pepper, other spices and herbs in the preparation of my food because there's no need to lose flavor here! however, i'm trying to stay low on the salt, spicy flavors and other things that are just a little tougher on the body than i'm trying to be right now.
more reading about specific detox foods here!

recipes to come...


  1. What I imagine Zoe will be like sans chocolate chips:
    That's not very supportive, is it? dammit.

  2. alas, it's true. HOWEVER, the best part about this? it's all mine. so i can customize (add chocolate) where i see fit. let's go with "avoiding baked goods for 5 days"
